Ayurvedic Massage

TOPSPA’s Indian-inspired Ayurvedic massages bring to you the concepts of self-healing and self-awareness.

Ayurvedic therapies unblock energy points so that vital energy can flow freely. This promotes the balance of the doshas (Vata, Kapha, and Pitta) to prevent disturbances in the body's functioning that may manifest as illnesses.

Ayurvedic massages work on the body, mind, and spirit, enhancing bodily awareness. In addition to addressing physical pain, they help overcome feelings of anxiety, distress, and insecurity.

Restore the energetic harmony of your body through Ayurvedic therapies.

Discover the benefits of Ayurvedic Therapies

Pain Treatment

Ayurvedic therapy helps relieve muscle tension, headaches, and joint pain.

Body Flexibility

Stretching and pressure improve flexibility and mobility, as well as tone the muscles.

Restorative Effects

The use of oils in Ayurvedic treatments provides deep hydration and nourishment to the skin.

Emotional release

It induces meditation and allows you to release negative thoughts, leading to peace of mind.

Energetic balance

It removes blockages and eliminates toxins, restoring the free flow of vital energy throughout the body.


Learn how Ayurvedic Massage is performed

Our Ayurvedic massages are a holistic and personalized ritual that covers the entire body.

Ayurvedic massage is performed on a tatami mat on the floor, using vigorous manual stretches and elongations guided by the therapist. Quick gliding movements are applied to create warmth, and medium-to-high pressure is used to unblock the marma points.

Some Ayurvedic treatments involve the use of large amounts of heated oils and are carried out on a massage table. The warmth and the aroma released by the oils induce deep relaxation while also hydrating and nourishing the skin.

In our Ayurvedic-inspired massages, we also use the Kansa Wand to remove energy blockages. This bronze tool heats up with the energy released by the body as gentle gliding, rotations, and pressures are applied.

By the end of the session, vital energy blockages are cleared, and the body’s balance is restored.

Signs that you need Ayurvedic Therapy

Ayurvedic treatments help correct physical, emotional, and vital imbalances.

Physical and emotional pain are often interconnected and need to be treated simultaneously to achieve a higher level of well-being and complete happiness.

Here are some scenarios where Ayurvedic treatments are highly beneficial:

Emotional Imbalance

  • Insomnia;
  • Lack of confidence and self-esteem;
  • Symptoms of anxiety and discouragement;
  • Distress.

Physical Alert

  • Muscle or headache pain;
  • Poor blood and lymphatic circulation: swollen and tired legs;
  • Constipation.

Ayurvedic massages promote inner healing, which is reflected in the body day after day.

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What our clients are saying

Mónica Lages

Alexandra Fernanda de Magalhães Neves

Rita de Barros


Ricardo Ribeiro

Vítor Gonçalves

Everything you need to know about Ayurvedic Massages

Who is Ayurvedic Massage suitable for?

Ayurvedic massages can be enjoyed by anyone aged 16 and above.

Their effects on emotional balance can benefit those suffering from depression or anxiety attacks. They are also helpful for individuals dealing with insomnia or who have experienced trauma.

Ayurvedic rituals are also sought after by those facing stressful situations. In this way, they address muscle tension and pain, while simultaneously restoring energy and rebalancing the mind.

Moreover, Ayurvedic therapies are recommended for individuals with poor blood and lymphatic circulation. They are also beneficial for those who find it difficult to relax and for anyone seeking to revitalize their energy.